Bruce Benyon, Hook Norton Brewery’s Operations Director, pulls a half pint
Photograph: Chris Behan
Chris Behan writes:
The launch of Hook Norton Brewery’s Easter ale at the Star Inn on Thursday evening, 2 March 2017 attracted a full house of real ale lovers from far and wide. Well, as far as Lois Weedon.
Bruce Benyon, the Operations Director of Hooky, pulled the pints, actually only half pints, but you could go back for seconds. Dreams do come true as it was all on the house, Hooky’s house I hope not Chris and Tom’s.
For a fleeting two hours the Star was a “free house”.
That appalling one-liner was inspired by Hooky’s own marketing department, whose promotional flyer for the Easter ale is full of corn, coining such dreadful expressions as “hop to it” and “we know you’ll all be eggscited”.
The conversations at the bar were, as ever, sports related, for instance, the Italian rugby team’s better knowledge of the rules of the game than most of the English players. We could have sought a professional opinion on the subject as we were in the presence of one visitor, David Grashoff, a TMO (television match official, for those of you who are not versed in rugby TV acronyms), but respectfully declined.
Well done Chris and Tom for a very enjoyable evening and, before I forget, the cheeses were great.
In the words of David Grashoff , “you can award a try”.
More photos on next page.

Bruce, Chris and Tom
Photograph: Chris Behan

David Grasshof (TMO) and Bruce
Photograph: Chris Behan