A cropped version of this splendid photograph of what seems to be a “charabanc” visit to Church Street in the early years of the last century appears elsewhere on this website. This version has been kindly supplied by Eric Payne. In order to help in dating it more accurately it would be much appreciated if anyone conversant with either the motor cars or the fashions could leave a comment at the end of this item.
A larger version with up to date photographs from the same viewpoint can be seen on the next page.
In the recent photograph below, taken from the same viewpoint, much of the detail is hidden behind the tree on the left. However, enough can be seen to indicate that the general form of the street is unchanged. As regards the buildings themselves, the main difference is the height and steeper pitch of the roof to the former blacksmith’s shop (thatched on the old photograph).
The next photograph was taken on the eastern side of the tree and it can be seen that the lower end of the street is little changed.