The Trustees of Sulgrave Manor have issued the following statement:
“The operations of Sulgrave Manor cannot be sustained in the way they
have been run in the last decade or so. Without a major change, the
Trust will eventually run out of money and have to close.
• The Trustees see it as their duty to restore the fortunes of the Manor and
to put it into a position which will enable it to survive and flourish in the
next century.
• The Centenary Strategic Plan will enable the survival of the Trust on a
long term sustainable basis.
• The implementation of the Centenary Strategic Plan will require
considerable funding. Part of this will come from the sale of the Kiln
Farm Yard and its adjoining land and it is hoped that the balance will
come from donations.
• We are currently launching a Centenary Appeal and establishing an
International Centenary Appeal Board.”
Details of the Centenary Strategic Plan can be seen here.
The object of the meeting is to discuss the Centenary Strategic Plan in general and the development proposals in particular. See here for a plan showing these proposals.