Villagers will not need reminding of the death last year of our much loved community postman, John Down. Planning permission has now been granted for the installation of a bench in his memory outside the village shop. A final push is needed to secure the £500 required for this project and all donations will be gratefully received.
See next page for full details.
The bench is to be installed in the position shown on this map from the planning application:
…..and it will be similar to this one:
Ken Christy and ‘Mac’ Macdonald reported as follows in the November newsletter:
“The response to last month’s request for donations to install a wooden bench outside the Shop in John’s memory has been fantastic. MANY thanks to all of you that have been so generous in helping us so far. Our target is £500 & we are well on the way to achieving this. There is still a way to go however & we can’t unfortunately progress until we have achieved the full amount. If you’ve been meaning to donate & haven’t quite got round to it yet, if you could put your donation (cheques payable to ‘Sulgrave Parish Council’) in an envelope & drop it round to either of us then hopefully, come the next Newsletter, we’ll have achieved our target.
Thank you
Ken Christy, Wysteria Cottage, Helmdon Road, Sulgrave.
‘Mac’ Macdonald, Grafton House, Park Lane, Sulgrave.”
See more photos of John on the occasion of his 60th birthday party at Sulgrave Manor.