The village learned with great sadness of the death of John Down, for more than twenty years our community postman.
It was a fitting tribute to John and his family that so many people gathered at St. Mary’s Church, Banbury on a lovely day on April 13th to pay their respects to a well loved man.
Sulgrave was well represented and I am sure the family will take comfort from everyone’s support.
The coffin was carried by John’s sons John and Paul and colleagues.
John served Sulgrave very well for many years and as we all know, if waiting for him to call! always went an extra mile to help anyone, always had time for a friendly word. Postman, yes, but also a friend and confident……you name it, he was it.
He was also a wonderful family man which was obvious at the funeral and they did him proud.
He led a very full life and was very well respected in many circles.
We send our sincere condolences to Pat his wife, John, Paul and all the family.
There was a collection after the service in memory of John for the Katherine House Hospice and anyone who could not attend can still donate if they wish to, c/o J & M Humphris, Albert Street, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 5DG