How the five turbines could appear from the foopath towards Barrow Hill. M = location of Sulgrave Manor. X = top of already erected meteorological mast.
At the special meeting on 2nd December, Sulgrave Parish Council voted unanimously to oppose the construction of five 125 metre high turbines at the Spring Farm Ridge site between the villages of Helmdon, Sulgrave and Greatworth.
Broadview Energy Limited has made a planning application to South Northants Council for permission to develop a wind farm in the location shown on the map below:

Image produced from the Ordnance Survey Get-a-map service. Image reproduced by kind permission of Ordnance Survey and Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland.
The Parish Council has been consulted on this proposal and resolved to recommend to South Northants Council that it should be refused for the following reasons:
Unacceptable impact on the setting of Sulgrave heritage assets, namely: the conservation area (basically the whole of the village), the Church of St James the Less, the Scheduled Ancient Monument at Castle Hill and Sulgrave Manor.
Loss of visual amenity by residents.
Unacceptable impact on byways, bridleways and footpaths used by local residents
Added traffic dangers on local roads used by residents, notably the B4525
The Parish Council is preparing a detailed submission to South Northants Council on these points which will appear on this website in due course.
In the meantime, anyone wishing to make their own objections to the proposal should write to: Christopher Johnston, Planning Officer, South Northamptonshire Council, Springfields, Towcester, NN12 6AE and/or email: [email protected] . You may wish to consider sending a copy of your objection to Sulgrave’s local representative on South Northants Council; Ashley Warren, Wappenham, Towcester, Northants NN12 8PH (email: [email protected]).
Full details of the planning application can be seen on the South Northants Council online planning register at: http://snc.planning-register.co.uk/PlanAppDisp.asp?RecNum=63417
You can submit your comments directly to the Council from this website by scanning down to “Comment on this planning application.”