A White Christmas guaranteed for Sulgrave

Photo: Andrew Waite

A light fall of snow on Saturday morning December 18th, was followed by a much heavier fall in late afternoon, as can be seen in this picture taken at the little gateway through the double hedge which marks the footpath along the parish boundary between Sulgrave and Greatworth.

Photo: Andrew Waite

The earlier snowfall, outside the Star Inn.

Photo: Colin Wootton

Heating oil tanker stuck in Stockwell Lane.

Photo: Andrew Waite

Sulgrave Manor.

Photo: Andrew Waite

The Old Village Shop and Queen’s House.

Photo: Andrew Waite

Churchyard gateway, opposite Spinners’ Cottages.

Photo: Colin Wootton

From Church Street. The Christmas garland in the church porch is one of twenty made of fresh holly and ivy to decorate the village each year. Read the story of these garlands.

Photo: Andrew Waite

Village approach down the Magpie Road.

Photo: Andrew Waite

Dial House.

Photo: Andrew Waite

High point of the Moreton Road.

Photo: Colin Wootton

Climbing the Moreton Road…….

Photo: Colin Wootton

….and skiing down towards the village. Large wheel tracks at sub zero temperatures are ideal for the cross country skier.

Photo: Andrew Waite

Off the Magpie Road.

Photo: Andrew Waite

View south from gateway on footpath to Greatworth.


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