DOG FOULING – Parish Council Notice

Sulgrave Parish Council has recently had a number of reports that dog walkers have not cleared away after their dogs. Certain areas such as on the verges in Manor Road and Little Street and also Castle Green have been particularly affected.

In addition dog fouling has been seen in the Pocket Park, where dogs are banned because children play in this area.

The litter bins outside The Star, by the bus shelter and in the pocket park should not be used to deposit waste in bags, please be considerate and take the waste home to put in your black bin.

The Parish Council are discussing the provision of Dog Waste Bins and this matter will be further discussed at the next meeting of the Parish Council.

Your comments on this matter are welcome, if you wish to comment, please do so by writing to or emailing the Parish Clerk, or leave your comments in the space below this item.

Sulgrave Parish Council


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