On October 17th, on a sunny autumn day, a group of adults and children, all Sulgrave residents, gathered at the pond area of Pocket Park. Their task was to clear excessive invading plants, divide other plants and thus encourage new growth in the spring. Before work started the pond was hardly visible. A wide path was first created around the pond and then the overgrowth from the edge of the path to the edge of the pond was strimmed and raked. The children helped to take the debris away in wheelbarrows to a compost area which was created nearby. The team then started to clear the rotting vegetation from the pond itself removing logs, dead branches and other debris. Pond plants were divided and some removed. The team's efforts were very successful and the pond can, once again, be seen.
At the start
Children having a go
Sue wonders what to do next
Jane Osbourne showing it can be fun
Matthew being shown how to cut the plants
Make way for the workers
Lets take a break
Reflections in the pond.
Now we can see the pond
A view across the pond
Rakes on the go
Pause for a chat
Clearance is underway
Adrian, Graham and Sue
More for the compost heap
Chris and Jo reviewing the situation
Lets give this some thought
Adrian and Sue united in division
Filling another wheelbarrow
Graham and Adrian taking a break
Almost finished
Jane Osbourne giving a final rake up
Just one last pull
Text by Chris and Jo Coverley. Photos by Jill Barrett.
See here for more information about the Pocket Park