See here for details of the proposal to build nine 125 metre high wind turbines in the countryside between Sulgrave and Weston, including maps and photo montages...
......and see here for the developer's response to questions raised during the meeting on 15th July.
Following an advertising campaign in Sulgrave and the surrounding villages, including the distribution of leaflets to every house in the village, some 40 people have so far indicated their willingness to play an active part in the formation and running of an Action Group to oppose the scheme. There were also many expressions of good wishes from those unable to devote time to playing an active part.
A meeting to establish this Group was held in Sulgrave on Saturday 15th August. Despite a considerable number of would-be participants being on holiday, some 31 people attended.
The following elections were made:
Chairman: Digby Lewis
Vice-Chairman: David Thompson
Treasurer: Paul Crowley
Secretary: Colin Wootton
The Action Group is to be known as the SULGRAVE AND WESTON WINDFARM ACTION GROUP (SWWAG).
It will be run by a committee comprising:
A core committee of Chairman, Vice-chairman, Secretary and Treasurer
Representatives of Weston, Sulgrave, Helmdon, Culworth, Moreton Pinkney and Thorpe Mandeville
Leaders of working groups on PR and publicity, fundraising, horses and riders, the Manor, Legal issues.
Because many people wishing to be members of the action group were on holiday or unable to attend this meeting, the core committee will appoint committee members to represent villages and working groups in due course.
A draft constitution was considered and this will be adopted subject to approval by the Group’s legal working group.
The following plan of action was agreed:
Appointment of committee members responsible for
PR and publicity;
Impact on horses and riders;
Impact on the Manor
Legal Issues.
Appointment of representatives from the listed villages as soon as possible.
Other tasks will include:
Setting up a dedicated website.
Collection and collation of information from other Action Groups.
Wind Speed investigations.
Members were also asked to follow up any leads which they thought were relevant and report their findings back to the Committee. This could lead to the establishment of further working groups dealing with, for instance, wildlife data collection.
The proposed dedicated website will provide a running commentary on the progress of the Action Group. It will be accessible to all and will serve as a means of communication between the members of the Action Group.
This village website itself is maintained on behalf of the Sulgrave Parish Council, which is required to take an impartial view on the issue of the proposed windfarm until it is formally consulted at the time of a planning application.
However, until the new website is established, those wishing to become members of the action group can email their details to [email protected] and they will be passed on to the secretary.