On 2nd February a couple of inches of snow fell on the village at the unusually
low temperature of -5 celsius....
....enough snow to pick out the new thatching on Forge Cottage....
....and tempt out a cross-country skier
Photo: Peter Pollak
More snow had fallen by 3rd February and in time-honoured fashion
big and small sledgers assembled on Castle Hill next to the church.
Photo: Peter Pollak
By the 5th February there was enough snow to ski in the village...
....and make super sized snowmen..
...the completed model..
...then it was back to Castle Hill for more sledging in the deeper snow.
Those without sledges used plastic bags, some more successfully than others...
...what happended to the sledge?
...the adults soon joined in...
...a snowball fight, attacking and defending the castle...
...then it was time for igloo building..
Photo: Peter Pollak
...the igloo building team...
Photo: Molly Wootton
....more cross country skiing, with a well clad companion..
Dawn on the morning of 6th February brings virtual blizzard conditions...
...the car tracks of a few intrepid souls who began their journies to work earlier......
...but most traffic is restricted to four wheel drives and farm vehicles...
...the snow eventually stops....
Photo: Peter Mackness
...and the culprit arrested and put in the stocks...
Photo: Peter Mackness
...a very rare village landscape recorded for posterity..
Photo: Peter Mackness
Photo: Peter Mackness
Photo: Peter Mackness
Photo: Peter Mackness
Photo: Peter Mackness
Photo: Peter Mackness
Photo: Graham Roberts
Photo: Graham Roberts
Photo: Graham Roberts
Photo: Graham Roberts
Photo: Graham Roberts
It goes without saying that ever reliable Postman John braved
the very icy roads to deliver the mail...
More snow is forecast....to be continued?
No, the snow turned to rain, giving this dismal prospect through the window:
Now (11th February) the village roads are covered with brown slush which refreezes every night....