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The photographs in this section are almost entirely devoted to the elm trees which were until 1974/5 such a dominant feature of the local landscape. Sometimes reaching to a height of 100 feet they provided a big challenge to generations of boys in search of birds' eggs but were almost entirely lost to the Parish during the Dutch Elm Disease epidemic of the 1960s and 1970s.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
c1974. Hedgerow elm trees in Great Green were a welcoming feature to those
approaching the village along the Moreton Road. Kiln Farm can just be seen.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
c1974. More elm trees in the same Great Green hedgerow.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
c1974. Yet more elm trees in Great Green, near to Rectory Farm.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
1963. Football match in field almost opposite Dial House Farm in Magpie
Road. Elm trees lining the hedgerow.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
c1974. The same hedgerow elm trees framing the view on the entrance
to the village down the Magpie Road.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
Elm trees lining the Green Lane to Weston.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
The very old elm tree which once stood in the middle of
Madam's Close. It had a hollow trunk which made a perfect
"den" for generations of children. c1972.
Photo: Unknown.
A view of the Madam's Close elm in winter.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
Elm trees in the landscape west of the village. c1974.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
This magnificent elm stood on the site now occupied by Kirkleys,
opposite Spinners' Cottages. c1974.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
View of the church framed by the elm tree on the Kirkleys site. c1974.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
View of the elm tree on the Kirkleys site from near the stocks. c1974.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
Early 1970s. The beech trees and stocks in front of the former bungalow now converted
and known as Castle Cottage. On Castle Hill in the background can be seen the sycamore
tree removed after the archaeological excavations.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
Early 1970s. The sycamore which once stood on Castle Hill.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
Early 1970s. One of the many elm trees which once lined the
Green Lane to Weston.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
c1970. Elm trees in the landscape. View from the top of the Moreton Road leading down
into the village.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
1970s. Dead trees are felled and logged for use in open fireplaces and wood burning stoves.
A loose consortium of villagers not normally employed in agriculture spent many weekends
in this way.
Here brushwood is being cleared and burnt.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
Tom Stallybrass grapples with the undergrowth.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
Sidney Wootton logging.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
1970s. Bigger logs were hauled back to Castle Hill where the "consortium" sawed and split them
at weekends.
Photo: Colin Wootton.
Wootton Brothers builder's dumper truck was used to distribute the logs (free loads to
pensioners at Christmas!)