Lindsay Seagrim-Trinder lived in Sulgrave from 1975 to 1981 and has some good memories of the village. During that time she worked with Donald Taylor’s son Paul and got to know Donald himself. Both Donald and Paul have recently visited Lindsay at her home in Wales.
Lindsay has been helping Donald to research his family tree and in doing so she came across some lovely old photos of Taylor family members.
The first of these is of Ida Taylor, Donald's Aunt. She was a sister of Donald's father George and was born in Sulgrave in 1898. It was probably taken in the 1920s or 1930s.
Probably taken in about 1895, the second picture is of William Taylor, born 1863 in Sulgrave and his wife Harriet (née Paintin), born 1862 in Swerford, and their children. The baby on his mother's lap is George Taylor, Donald's father and the two girls are Lilian and Elsie, George's sisters.
The third picture is of Donald's Aunt Lilian, probably taken before she became one of the first members of the Women's Royal Air Force during the 1914-18 war. Sadly, she died in the great influenza epidemic of 1918 at the age of 29 and is commemorated on a Commonwealth War Graves headstone in Sulgrave churchyard.
Yvonne Hopkins (née Parker) was born in Sulgrave in 1942 and lived here in Wisteria Cottage, Helmdon Road until her marriage. She has kindly agreed to the reproduction of the following fascinating photographs from her family album:
Yvonne's father Len Parker exercising a horse on the village green in the 1920s.
The village shop can be seen (then a billiard club) and half of the
Spinners' Cottages council houses were yet to be built.
Yvonne's grandfather Cecil Walton with motor-cycle and sidecar outside his house
Wisteria Cottage in
Helmdon Road in the late 1920s or early 1930s.
Bell given to Sulgrave Church by Cecil Walton
in memory
of his wife Cissie
in 1932, with Wally the dog.
Yvonne's uncle Jack Walton in the 1930s,
also with
Wally dog.
advertising signs outside
just be seen.
Yvonne's mother Edith, very happy at being collected by her father
Cecil from a convalescent hospital, clearly recovered.
Edith Walton in the family motor car in the 1930s.
Edith Walton with brother Jack outside Spinners' Cottages
in the 1930s.
A wartime wedding (c. 1944/5) in Sulgrave Church.
Mr and Mrs Stubbs. The bride is Lilian Packenham-Walsh,
daughter of the then vicar.
Another photo of the happy couple.
Rev Packenham-Walsh with some of his flock, probably performing the ancient custom
of "clipping the church" in about 1948. To the vicar's left is Valerie Henn with brother
Rodney and mother Gertrude. To his right is Anne Isham and to her right is Lily Young.
Yvonne's mother Edith (top step) and wartime evacuee Renee Barrett outside
Wisteria Cottage in the 1940s.
Grandfather Cecil Walton ran a motor cycle parts
and fuel supply business
from the adjoining garage.
Late 1940s when pedestrians could happily use the whole road width with little
danger from the very occasional passing (and slow-moving) car. From left to right:
Valerie Henn, Len Parker, Betty Walton, Edith Parker(with Yvonne in pram),
Francis Parker, Kathleen Parker and Elsie Taylor. Probably a Sunday afternoon
walk. Taken on the Helmdon Road just outside the village.
Yvonne ready for her first day at Brackley High School
for Girls in 1953.
Pageant at Sulgrave Village School in the 1950s.
Yvonne with her bike in the 1950s.
Left to right: Rodney Henn, John Holmes and
Anthony Parker.
Anthony Parker (left) and Nigel Reynolds
Tony Parker prepares for a navigation training flight in a
Varsity aircraft at RAF Gaydon.
Finally, three charming pictures of Yvonne's mother, father and Uncle Jack enjoying themselves at some unknown seaside destination in the 1930s.
These pictures will be placed in the "Old Sulgrave" Photographic Archives.