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1976 - 1978
This is a preview of recently discovered pictures which will be placed in the "Sulgrave - 130 years in photographs" section of this website. Click on any picture to see a bigger version. Where known, names are given on this bigger version. Corrections or further information would be gratefully received together with any similar pictures.
The procession ready to leave the School
The May Queen and her attendants
The procession in Manor Road, led by a USAF contingent from a nearby base
Schoolchildren in fancy dress follow Wootton Bros builder's lorry
The procession in Little Street
The procession arrives at Castle Green
Jim Critchley, Headmaster of the Village School, opens proceedings
Village school headmaster Jim Critchley "in the stocks".
The May Queen and her attendants outside the School
Maypole dancing on Castle Green
Village School Morris Dancers on Castle Green
Maypole dancing on Castle Green
Maypole dancing on Castle Green
Country dancing on Castle Green
The Village School Morris Dancing Side
Schoolchildren on Castle Green
Maypole dancing on Castle Green
Maypole dancing on Castle Green
The Village Fête on Castle Green
Maypole dancing on Castle Green
The May Queen and her attendants
The procession about to leave the School
Fancy dress in the School playground
The May Queen arrives on Castle Green
Maypole dancing on Castle Green
Maypole dancing on Castle Green
Alfred Burke, actor, opens proceedings...
Fancy dress competition competitors
Kathleen Munro prepares the crown...
...and the May Queen is crowned
The School Morris Side performs on Castle Green