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The reconstruction of the dry stone wall around Castle Green in Church Street and Park Lane is now well advanced, as can be seen from the following photographs of the work in progress:
As far as possible the original stones are being re-used.....
.....supplemented by new ones as necessary.
The work is being carried out by Underwood and Weston Ltd., of Northampton, supervised by The Cecil Rhodes Partnership, Historic Buildings Consultants and Conservation Surveyors, of Milton Keynes. On Saturday 6th October, Cecil Rhodes visited Castle Green and gave a demonstration of dry stone walling to an appreciative cross section of villagers. Much was learned about this ancient craft, many questions were answered and then everyone was invited to have a go themselves. There were lots of willing volunteers, as can be seen below:
Cecil Rhodes demostrates the "hen and chicken" system of upright stones which will be used to cap the wall...
...and points out the drainage advantages of dry stone construction when used for retaining walls.
Questions and answers.
Putting a face on the next stone.
The first of the volunteers.... given a helping hand.
Following the demonstration everyone repaired to the Church Hall for tea and an illustrated talk by Cecil Rhodes on work he has undertaken in the area, with pictures of the Saxon and Norman walls discovered under the Castle Mound.